Living with Diabetes

Healthy Living with our Diabetic Management Program

 Love 2 Live caregivers provide a comprehensive approach to your loved one’s health in their home.

Helping with:

  • Self Care and Foot Inspection
  • Medication Reminders
  • Blood Sugar Monitoring
  • Nutrition and Diet
  • Prevention of Complications

 Benefits of the Diabetic Care Program include:                                                                                 

* In home application of diet and safety

* Prevention or control of disease complications

* Increases the understanding of their disease process

* Increases  compliance

* Reduces the need for urgent care visits


Comfort and Safety in your own home

Our caregivers are trained in diabetes and can be part of the solution to managing the disease at home.

Call 619-291-4663 or schedule a free assessment today to learn more about our diabetic program.