Bones start to deteriorate as people age. If you have elderly loved ones, you probably have seen it first hand. They may have a more difficult time getting around. Your elderly loved ones might complain of more pain and tension in their joints and throughout their body. With this being said, there are ways that you and home care providers can help your elderly loved one to keep their bones strong as they age. By using these tips, your elderly loved one can feel and be stronger.
Home Health Care in San Diego CA: Senior Bone Health
Exercising Regularly
One of the keys to keeping bones strong as someone ages is exercising regularly. There are many different types of exercise plans that your elderly loved one could participate in. You could find apps, DVDs, TV programs, and online resources to customize an exercise program for your elderly loved one. It might be beneficial to ask your loved one’s doctor what exercises would be safe and which exercises they recommend. It is also important to note that those who sit down most of the day have a higher risk of osteoporosis. You can help your elderly loved one to prevent this disease by having them exercise regularly.
Diet is Important
Your elderly loved one’s diet is also important. You should make sure they are getting all the necessary vitamins and minerals in their diet. If your elderly loved one doesn’t have enough calcium, for instance, they could experience more bone loss. In addition, you should make sure your elderly loved one isn’t drinking too much alcohol. This can also create more problems with regard to their bone health. This is because consuming alcohol can cause interference with Vitamin D levels. Vitamin D is needed to keep bones strong and healthy. Lastly, your loved one should have enough potassium in their diet. Potassium neutralizes acids in your loved one’s body, so they don’t affect calcium levels.
No Smoking
Another way to keep bones strong during the aging process is not to smoke. If your elderly loved one currently smokes, they should try a smoking cessation program or product to help them quit. Smoking causes the body not to be able to properly absorb calcium, which then affects the bones.
Overall Healthy Lifestyle
If you can get your elderly loved one to live an all-around healthy lifestyle, you can help to keep their bones strong as they age. From exercising to eating right to making positive choices for their body, all these things can help keep the bones strong.
These are some of the ways to keep bones strong as someone ages. Work with your elderly loved one to help keep their bones strong and healthy as they age.
If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring Home Health Care in San Diego, CA, or the surrounding area, please contact the caring staff at Love 2 Live Care. Call Today 1-619-291-4663