Senior Care Helped Mom Keep the Dog

“We have to find a new home for Max,” Kevin insisted. “I know Mom loves that dog, but it just isn’t safe. She’s going to fall picking up after him – if she even remembers to do it! It’s not clean and it’s not safe.”



Home Care Services in Hillcrest CA: Senior Pets


“But, Kevin,” Linda countered. She breathed deeply and deliberately, trying to stay calm. “Kevin, Max is so important to Mom. Ever since Dad died–” her voice broke and she fought to regain composure. “Ever since Dad died, Max is Mom’s world! What would she do without him? He is her purpose for getting out of bed. With you and me both so far away–” Linda started crying.


“Hey, Sis,” Kevin’s voice softened. “I know this is awful. But, what else can we do? Mom isn’t able to take care of Max anymore. She isn’t remembering to feed him right, or pick up after him. She can’t walk him now that she uses a walker. She can’t get him to the vet for his shots. If there was someone who could help her with those things, maybe–”

“Kevin!” exclaimed Linda. “That’s it! You’re a genius!”


“There IS someone who can help take care of Max!”

“Who?” wondered Kevin

“Senior care!” Linda cried triumphantly.

“Senior care?”

Senior care! They send caregivers to the homes of seniors who need help with things.”

“Linda,” Kevin started, “Senior care helps elderly people take showers, or… change a bedpan in bed. They don’t… walk their dogs.”

“Yes, they do,” insisted Linda, “if you ask them! They do a ton of stuff. Wash laundry, make meals, take care of the shopping. My friend’s mom used to use senior care. They helped her with all sorts of things!”

“Sounds pretty good!” Kevin laughed. “Wonder if I could get some senior care?”

“Ha ha,” Linda laughed, “I’ll call them tomorrow and I’ll let you know what I find out.”

“Okay,” agreed Kevin. “I’ll keep my fingers crossed.”


The next evening Linda called Kevin. “I was right!” She cried triumphantly. “Senior care is amazing! They can send a caregiver out to help Mom take care of Max. The caregiver will walk Max every day, check his food and water, and look for poops. And guess what? She said that Mom can come along on the walks if she wants! Isn’t that great! The exercise will be so good for her! And the companionship! I know Mom is lonely. She’ll really enjoy this!”


“It does sound good,” agreed Kevin. “Can the caregiver take Max to the vet to get his shots?”

“Yep! And Mom can go along too if she wants.”

“Fantastic!” Kevin was getting excited about the idea himself. “Will they do anything else besides take care of Max?”


“Well, the caregiver will be there for a set time each day. The walk will take a lot of the time, but probably not all of it. We can give them a list of things they can help Mom with after the walk. I was thinking maybe they can help with the laundry and housework. But, if nothing else, Mom will just love having someone to visit with.”


Kevin was smiling. This sounded like a great idea. “I’m impressed, Sis! Here I was thinking the only answer was to take away her dog – the only thing that really matters to her. But you figured out a way around it. Not only that, but it seems like senior care will actually improve Mom’s life in a lot of ways! Well done!”


Linda grinned.


If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring Home Care Services in Hillcrest, CA, or the surrounding area, please contact the caring staff at Love 2 Live Care. Call Today 1-619-291-4663


