Love 2 Live Care Supports The Safety Of Our Clients And Caregivers


As a home care provider serving older
clients—many with preexisting health
conditions which make them more vulnerable
to infections including the coronavirus and
seasonal flu—we’re taking our responsibility to
our clients, their families, and our caregivers
very seriously. We’re staying informed daily on
COVID-19 updates, reviewing guidance from
the CDC, and reaching out to public health
officials in every county we serve for the most
up-to-date guidance.
Most importantly, we’re enhancing protocols
and policies to help mitigate infection
exposure in light of coronavirus in order
to support the safety and well-being of
our clients and caregivers during this
unprecedented time.

Enhanced Protocols and
Instructions for Our Care Pros

Enhanced Infection Controls

If a Care Pro exhibits any flu-like symptoms,
we immediately begin work to re-staff their
visits with another Care Pro. We’ve also
increased our clearance process for any
Care Pros returning to work after being
sick. And we’re instructing Care Pros to stay
home if they feel sick and not penalizing
them for missing any visits.

We’ve updated our client consultations to
screen for flu-like symptoms so we can
ensure proper protections are in place
before care begins.

We’re also putting in place heightened
infection controls to help mitigate

Care Pro Safety Precautions

We’re sending frequent reminders to
Care Pros, reiterating the importance of
using universal precautions including
handwashing and disinfectants.

We’re making key safety tools available
to Care Pros, including hand sanitizer, flu
shots, and gloves.

Up-To-Date Guidance

We’re actively adjusting our protocols based
on the latest local and federal guidelines and
we’re reaching out to public health officials in
every county we serve to stay up to date.

We’re in close contact with facilities we
serve to stay informed of their most recent
guidance and instructions.

Guidance and Information for Clients

We believe that home is the safest place for
older adults to be, especially during these
challenging times. We recommend following
CDC advice, even in your own home.

Don’t panic, do prepare.

Make sure you’re following CDC flu season’s
best practices and have appropriate hygiene
supplies in your home. Follow guidance from
the CDC on proper infection control and make
sure caregivers and everyone in your home are
aware of and following these best practices.

Take steps to protect yourself. Wash your
hands often for at least 20 seconds and
avoid touching your face. If you can’t wash
your hands, use a hand sanitizer. Avoid
close contact with anyone who is sick. If
COVID-19 is spreading in your community,
keep a safe distance from others.

Take steps to protect others. Cover
coughs and sneezes with a tissue or use
the inside of your elbow. Throw tissues
directly in the trash then immediately wash
your hands. Throughout the day, clean and
disinfect frequently touched surfaces.

Stock up. Supplies are low, but scour your
local stores to stock up on supplies that
you and your caregivers may need, such as
wipes, sanitizers, and gloves.

Get a flu shot. While the flu shot doesn’t
protect against this coronavirus, it can
contribute to your general health and
reduce the burden on our health system.

Limit outings. Remember, home is the safest
place to be. The CDC advises older adults
to stay away from public spaces or activities
that may bring you in close contact with others,
including long plane trips and cruises.

Use Telehealth. Take advantage of the
new Medicare guidelines around using
Telehealth services instead of visiting the
doctor’s office.

Stay informed.
Here are some suggestions for where to find
the most reliable, credible breaking news.
Sign up for email updates from the CDC.
Follow your local city’s health department
and police department Twitter feeds.
Create Google alerts to get breaking news
on coronavirus cases in your city or at
nearby facilities.

Our clients’ safety is our top priority—and
we’re working around the clock to navigate
through these challenging circumstances.
We hope this information is helpful to you and
your family and inspires ongoing trust in our
Care Pros and confidence in our abilities to
support your care needs.


If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring Home Care in San Diego, CA, or the surrounding area, please contact the caring staff at Love 2 Live Care. Call Today 1-619-291-4663