Are Grooming Tasks Difficult for Your Elderly Loved One?

There are some things that might become more difficult for your elderly loved one as they get older. For instance, if your elderly loved one has dementia or physical impairments, they might have difficulties grooming themselves.


Home Care in Mission Hills CA: Senior Grooming Tasks


They might not be able to cut their own fingernails, wash or comb their own hair, shave, brush their teeth, or clean themselves. If this is the case, it is important that someone is able to help them with their grooming tasks. If you can’t do that, it might be a good idea to hire a home care provider who can be there whenever your loved one needs them.

Grooming Routines

If someone is going to help your elderly loved one with their grooming tasks, routines should be set. No matter who is helping your elderly loved one with these tasks, they should follow the routine. For instance, if your loved one needs someone to help them brush their teeth at 8 a.m. and the home care provider normally helps out, but they can’t be there on a certain day, someone else should be there at that time to help. If your elderly loved one has to stray from their routine, this could cause them distress.

Using Specific Toiletries

When someone helps your elderly loved one with their grooming tasks, they should use specific toiletries. More than likely, your loved one already has toiletries that they prefer. For instance, they might have a favorite shaving cream. Whoever goes shopping for these items should be sure to get the ones that your loved one likes the most. This could help your loved one to feel more comfortable with receiving help.

Let Your Loved One Help

Just because your elderly loved one needs help with grooming tasks, that doesn’t mean that someone should just take over. Your elderly loved one might still be able to do something. For instance, if your loved one needs someone to help them comb their hair, they might still be able to get out the comb and hand it to that person.

Use Safer and Easier-to-Use Tools

Now that your elderly loved one is getting older, they might have more trouble use grooming tools. They might not be able to use metal nail files without hurting themselves. You can get them some nail files that are made out of cardboard instead.

These are some of the ways that you or a home care provider can help your elderly loved one with grooming tasks. Keep in mind that your loved one’s needs might change over time. They might need more assistance with grooming tasks and other tasks over time.


If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring Home Care in Mission Hills, CA, or the surrounding area, please contact the caring staff at Love 2 Live Care. Call Today 1-619-291-4663

